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Torah Service
Torah Training Video
Scripture Readings for Shabbat
March 22nd 2025
Torah Reading: Exodus 35:1- 38:20
Haftorah: 1 Kings 7:13-26
B'rit Chadasha: 2 Cor 9:1-15, Heb 9:1-14
Bible Study
Join Us Every
Tuesday @ 7PM
In Reading All of God's Word in a 5 Year Cycle
Tuesday Bible Study Reading
Mar 18: 1 Kings 1-4, Mark 11-16
Mar 25: 1 Kings 5-8, 1 Corinthians 1-4
Apr 1:1 Kings 9-13, 1 Corinthians 5-8
Apr 8: 1 Kings 14-18, 1 Corinthians 9-12
Apr 15: 1 Kings 19-22, 1 Corinthians 13-16
Apr 22: 2 Kings 1-4, 2 Corinthians 1-4
Apr 29: 2 Kings 5-9, 2 Corinthians 5-9
Revival Prayer Service
​​​Join us for our Revival Prayer meetings on Mondays @ 6PM, or watch us online.
Prayer Meeting
Need Prayer
If you would like prayer, please fill out our prayer request form.
Please leave your name and email so that we can get back to you. You can remain anonymous if you would like to.
If you are in distress or have an emergency situation please call 911.
​BEG Prayer Meeting is every
Wednesday @ 11AM.
Shabbat School
Junior Shabbat School

​Ages Groups
Tiny Tot: 2 to 4
Wee: 5 to 8
Junior: 9 to 12
Every Shabbat, children participate in corporate worship, during the Shabbat morning service, and are then excused for school. We teach worship etiquette and protocol, basic Hebrew letters and words, and cover Bible basics. Children are taught Yeshua and His sacrifice is God’s plan for humanity through fun and interactive lessons.
Class begins when the youth are dismissed from the sanctuary upon completion of the Torah Service and will end after the Aaronic Benediction.
Jr. Shabbat School Vision Statement:
“Train up a child in the way that he should go”. Our vision is that through our Shabbat School program, our children would find Adonai manifested through Yeshua as a real and active presence in their lives through his Word, each other, and their congregational family. We strive to teach the vision of our congregation and congregational life as it relates to their young minds.
Senior Shabbat School
Ages: 13+
Sr. Shabbat School is a place where our young people will be stimulated to study, as well as, apply the Word of the Lord to their lives. The Word will be delivered on their level and for them specifically. Youth are asked to embrace our teachings on worship etiquette, as well as, read the weekly Torah portion so they will be better prepared for corporate Shabbat morning worship and equipped to receive the Shabbat message. Discussions and questions on the Shabbat message are encouraged and should be presented in a respectful and orderly fashion.

Sr. Shabbat School is held the first 3 shabbats of the month, allowing the students to partake in the Rabbis messages the following shabbats. Class begins when the youth are dismissed from the sanctuary upon completion of the Torah Service and will end after the Aaronic Benediction.
Learn Hebrew

If you are a member or a regular attendee, we offer Biblical Hebrew classes via Zoom.
The textbook that is used is the Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar and Workbook 3rd Edition by Miles Van Pelt.
There are two Hebrew classes Hebrew Alef and Hebrew Bet. The semesters run from January – June and July – December. In these classes you will learn the Alef-Bet, Hebrew vowels, nouns, prepositions, adjective and so much more.
If you are interested, please email Rabbi Eduardo.
Boot Camp

Bootcamp is our membership classes. It is an amazing and thorough introduction to everything in Messianic Judaism.
In this boot camp you will learn about our Congregational Identity, the Messianic Vision, Jewish lifestyle and tradition, Yeshua, the Holy Spirit, salvation and so much more.
If you have been attending regularly and would like to join our Bootcamp, please email Rabbi Mark.
Bar or Bat Mitzvah

For families who have made membership or are regular attendees, we offer Bar and Bar Mitzvah classes.
This coming of age ceremony is an important part of our Messianic identity. In these classes youth (around 13 years old) will learn the Tanakh (Old Testament) Brit Chadasha (New Testament) the history of Israel, chanting Hebrew liturgy and so much more. Once they are done the young person will be called to the Torah.
If you are interested in learning more, please send Rabbi Mark or Rabbi Eduardo an email.
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